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a simple lady who enjoys what life brings

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Living in a tropical country where the weather is unpredictable sometimes gives me stress. There are days when the sun is too hot (need to drink plenty of water for that) and there are times when rain pours and you can’t avoid walking on the slippery road, worst when you get soaked under the rain. This is what I hate the most.
 I remember my college days whenever I went to and from school which is very far from my residence, I had to take 4 rides on land (jeepneys) and sea (ferryboat) experiencing the busy roads and bitter days when rain comes (I hadn’t thought of boarding a room near my school then.) I often lost my patience whenever it affects my daily activities, especially the important ones.
We have also heard or seen from the news the damage caused whenever it rains heavily, the floods and erosions that resulted to the destruction of some properties and loss of lives. These are some of the reasons why I can’t help to dislike the rainy season.
But now, staying at home and being unemployed (which I opted to) made me realize important lessons on this thing. Whenever it rains, I’ve seen our neighbors’ little children gleefully playing under the rain and they’re a lovely sight to behold. Then, looking at the plants in our yard, I feel happy for them thirsting for it after a long hot sunny day. My daily chores are lessened because I can skip watering our plants. Not only that, I also thought of the farmers out there who are waiting for the rain to soften there dried farmlands. And during the night I can enjoy sleeping comfortably with the cold breeze that made me doze off easily.
Sometimes, we only see the one side of the things that happened to us more often we focus on the bad ones and tend to forget the good. Destructions or calamities may be brought by rain but these aren’t caused naturally, if we dig deeper the reason human is at fault (just look at our garbage anywhere). So, I thanked God every time it rains, for all the good things it brings to our lives. There’s always a rainbow after the rain (as they said) let’s think that rain is just a way of reminding us that there’s always a better life ahead after it.

1 comment:

  1. Good job!Keep on posting! I will be here to monitor you every now and then. You can visit joyjoy's blog http://www.mypuzzlepieces-sam.blogspot.com
