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a simple lady who enjoys what life brings

Friday, October 1, 2010

Long Distance Relationship

ast night I received a message from my beau informing me they’re off to France. This means we can’t keep in touch for a long time because it will be a month-long voyage going there from Australia without phone or internet signal. I feel sad about it but I don’t have a choice. The nature of his work as a seafarer requires him to be out in the ocean most of the time. The only thing I can do is to wait when he’ll contact me and always pray for his safety.
We’ve been in this situation for almost 5 years now (really endured that long). No matter how difficult it is for us but we’ve managed to survive and keep our relationship.
Long distance relationship isn’t a piece of cake you know. Being away from each other takes much courage to endure the loneliness and the pains when conflicts strike. There are problems that come along the way and sometimes turn your world upside down. I’ve had sleepless nights, myriad cries on days or nights and even depressing moments whenever I long for him. And whenever I see couples happily together or when the folks teased me to the extent that they can I can’t help but be annoyed. Doubts, fears and worries often haunt me. Sometimes I thought of giving up this love.
I never pictured myself being in this situation when I was in high school. I used to think my lover works in a nearby office and sees me everyday or whenever we want to, but it turned out the other way around. Anyway, it doesn’t matter now coz this is what fate gave me and I know this is my true love.
We both love each other deeply, that’s it! How would we survive after all these years if it’s not? There may be times we argued or misunderstood each other due to distance but that didn’t keep us from going. Distance may have separated us physically but not our feelings for each other. Thanks to technology we have cell phones and internet which help us to communicate more often now. I can’t imagine how we’re doing without them.  I know our love can guide us where we’ll be happy though we’re away. To love and be loved back is really a great thing in life. Whatever the situation is just be thankful that somehow love found its way in our hearts.

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