Who Am I?

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a simple lady who enjoys what life brings

Monday, October 4, 2010

            Do you enjoy reading? How often do you read books?
Me, I love reading and every day I take time to read. It may be an article or story from the newspapers, magazines, school books, bible or even just the dictionary I tried it.
         Reading is one hobby I can’t just ignore. You get a lot of information, entertainment, improved vocabularies and pronunciations; even enhance your comprehension skills. There are more to these benefits you can get from reading. I believe it varies from one person to another and depending on their choice of book.
Of course, I do have my favorite book too. I can’t let the day pass by without reading it and I would never ever felt bored reading it again and again in my whole life (I haven’t even finished reading it, lol).
I’m sure you’re familiar of the book called “Holy Bible”, right? Yes, that’s my favorite book, ever! Never a day I wouldn’t open and read its content (even only a single verse). This is the best book I’ve ever have and read, and absolutely the world too (you can argue it if you want).
Bible is basics to a Christian like me; it’s one of our fundamental beliefs being written by the holy men of God inspired with the Holy Spirit. And that would be a shame on my part if I don’t have this book and not love reading it.
          This book contains any topics you want, from history to love story, poetry, health and happiness and even beyond the future. You can find everything you wanna know about life (if you just take time to read it). Hence, I could not simply exchange or neglect it.
          I was never this enthusiastic to read my Bible. When I was still young and my faith is frail, I had never taken it seriously. But, time came when I slowly feel the need of reading it and comprehend the words it says. Then on, I learned so much about the things in life and strengthen my relationship in God. Reading my Bible not only gives me physical growth but spiritually as well. That’s why I never miss reading it everyday, my daily bread in life.
          To Christians out there whose faith is still feeble, take heed to what this famous children’s song says “Read your Bible pray everyday and you grow, grow, grow.” Let’s all grow together in God, let’s read the best book the world has ever had, the Bible.


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