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a simple lady who enjoys what life brings

Sunday, October 3, 2010

UNITY: Helping One Another

            I love to travel and enjoy the adventures of new places. These days I’ve never been in to that because I’m glued at home with many things to do. That’s why when our church announced a nationwide activity “Hope Impact Philippines” which is to be held today in the southern part of the province, I didn’t hesitate to join. I could not only enjoy the trip but benefit in sharing the good news to others. I was surprised with the number of people who participated. They came from the different district of churches and organizations as well. Since my father is a member of the motorcycle team - comprised by people from the different churches in our district who ride on motorcycles, I joined their group (am a back rider only). The program started early morning with a devotional and releasing of balloons carrying some leaflets. Then, we set off at around 7 in the morning. We’ve passed a number of municipalities on the way to our destination and from time to time made a stop over for fuel, snacks and directions while at the same time distributed some of the booklets we brought. Along the way, we’ve encountered some problems especially those who rode on motorcycles. Some had problems with flat tires and mechanical repairs (we’re one of them-flat tire), nevertheless, some helped us with the problem and even escorted our way back to the city. Hence, we were not able to finish the activity.
It was already sunset when we arrived home, just imagine the four hours travel we had going back. I was so exhausted with the long hours of riding without moving (I felt my back ached and legs cramped) so I immediately went to my room and take rest. Anyway, I wasn’t disappointed we didn’t finish the trip coz I still enjoy the ride we had, more to that I discovered the value of unity – being one in helping others. I appreciated so much those people who joined the activity and make it successful, but most especially to those who are willing to help others in need even if it means sacrificing themselves.

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