Who Am I?

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a simple lady who enjoys what life brings

Saturday, October 2, 2010


That’s what I can describe today. This day ends with a lot of happenings. It was still dawn when I woke up and prepared for our breakfast. After that, I got busy preparing for church (coz it’s Sabbath day) and that was already past 8am when I leave home for church. There, I was loaded with responsibilities too; I thought I could just relax sitting while attending the service but I was surprised I’m also loaded with work. Good thing I prepared and I hadn’t had much trouble completing the tasks assigned to me. Thanks God!
At noon, scheduled lunch time with the family at our favorite restaurant in the uptown so we had to travel for an hour going there, mind you that was right after church service. Expected everyone was hungry arriving there we had filled our stomach with a sumptuous meal and have even emptied our plates, nothing’s left in our ordered food, lol. We didn’t spend much time there right after that we went back home. While the other members of the family got busy with there usual afternoon activities (sleeping, etc.), I went back to church for the afternoon youth program and facilitated a certain Bible game to everyone’s delight (happy for it). The program ended at around 6 in the evening with many useful and enjoyable activities (that’s what I like about our afternoon program).
When I arrived home, I had to prepare food for dinner. No one else here can do this except me; the other family members are already occupied with other tasks. Mother and father were already in their little retail store, sister went to school and younger brother is nowhere in sight (he loves being out playing with friends or roaming around the neighborhood).
Just now I’ve been freed from the works I needed to do here at home, already 9 in the evening, so here I’m writing for my daily blog ;-)
After this, I will enjoy the comforts of the night by sleeping to rest my body from the day’s activities, regain my strength and rejuvenate my mind for whatever activities that awaits me tomorrow. This is not a tiresome day but awesome! I hope you had also enjoyed your day today. Have a good night everyone, sleep tight.

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