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a simple lady who enjoys what life brings

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

~nAiL CoLoRs~

I love my nails especially when I put colors in them. Have you tried polishing your nails – manicure or pedicure, in different colors? I bet every woman has done this at least once in their lives.
       As for me, I can no longer remember how many times I did it nor how many colors I’ve tried, lol. I may have done it twice or thrice in a week, really never misses a week without polishing my nails. That’s one thing I can’t get rid of from myself. I don’t care even others call it vanity; this is what I like to do. Anyway, I didn’t bother them to do it for me. I did it all by myself coz I love it.
        I consider this as a sense of art (believe it or not) other than a hygienic way. I sometimes made it look stylish in different colors or designs or even matched it with the color of my dress. Looking at my well-manicured nails in attractive colors gives me satisfaction and enjoyment. Moreover, it boosts my confidence much as being a lady. Yes, that’s right! I feel to act more lady-like with my colored nails and sometimes make me believe I’m prettier than the other ladies around me (hehe).
       Honestly, this isn’t easy maintaining my long and pretty nails. I’d spent an hour or more by cleaning and coloring it (both hands and feet) on weekdays or nights - whatever time I’m available. But with my passion for it, I endured the pains I’ve gone through; the back pains due to still position or the wounds caused during cleaning is unavoidable. In the end, it’s worth the work; feeling satisfied with my work and the art I see through my nails.


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