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a simple lady who enjoys what life brings

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


In this age of technology a lot of machines and devices have been invented to abet us in our works and lessen the burden. Undeniably, these things play a vital role in human activities. Man may not be able to survive without them, particularly if used to it or to those living in urban areas. However, one thing is for sure, behind these inventions there’s an important element needed to make them function. I guess you already know about it.
                Electricity - which I consider as one of the most valuable discovery of man. Imagine the world today without it - no air conditioners or electric fans, no refrigerators and televisions, no cell phones and worst no internet, all electric-powered machines will be useless without it. I bet everyone would be in rage, lol. Like the scenario? Absolutely not, right?
                Yet, not matter how great it does to our lives there’s always a limitation. I’m talking about blackouts or power shutdowns when there’s shortage of power supply you know.
These days there have been frequent blackouts in our place. Unfortunately, it happens almost every noon time - when everyone’s engage in their activities. In the homes people are watching their favorite TV shows or cooling themselves with air cons/electric fans due to hot weather. Also affected are those in the industries who experience a sudden halt of production or work flow. Worst case is those who are already in deep concentration with their computers (I’m one of them, really bad timing). These are just some of the many instances when we feel the world stops working due to loss of electricity. People may sometimes get furious, especially when it’ll take long hours of waiting for the power to return. Even myself, can’t deny being anxious of that (grrr…).
Let’s face the reality; nothing is permanent in this world (except change) we all know that. Everything has its limitation or ending, so as with our electricity. Therefore, we should not waste our electricity, use it wisely and practice saving. We might not know when it will be no longer available for us to use (tsk, tsk, tsk).

1 comment:

  1. That is really true! Everyday we experienced power failure and I learned to appreciate the value of light. Beth, go and earn entrecard credits. Upload the toolbar and drop on sites to earn credits. Follow the rule, like what I am doing now. Drop and leave a comment to increase viewers to your site.Pagdili ka popular wala mag pa advertise nimo. Gets? See you around! You can start on my sites. Workingmomscorner & dondi045myeverydayinspiration. Click on the word DROP on the entrecard widget to earn credits.
