Who Am I?

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a simple lady who enjoys what life brings

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


In this age of technology a lot of machines and devices have been invented to abet us in our works and lessen the burden. Undeniably, these things play a vital role in human activities. Man may not be able to survive without them, particularly if used to it or to those living in urban areas. However, one thing is for sure, behind these inventions there’s an important element needed to make them function. I guess you already know about it.
                Electricity - which I consider as one of the most valuable discovery of man. Imagine the world today without it - no air conditioners or electric fans, no refrigerators and televisions, no cell phones and worst no internet, all electric-powered machines will be useless without it. I bet everyone would be in rage, lol. Like the scenario? Absolutely not, right?
                Yet, not matter how great it does to our lives there’s always a limitation. I’m talking about blackouts or power shutdowns when there’s shortage of power supply you know.
These days there have been frequent blackouts in our place. Unfortunately, it happens almost every noon time - when everyone’s engage in their activities. In the homes people are watching their favorite TV shows or cooling themselves with air cons/electric fans due to hot weather. Also affected are those in the industries who experience a sudden halt of production or work flow. Worst case is those who are already in deep concentration with their computers (I’m one of them, really bad timing). These are just some of the many instances when we feel the world stops working due to loss of electricity. People may sometimes get furious, especially when it’ll take long hours of waiting for the power to return. Even myself, can’t deny being anxious of that (grrr…).
Let’s face the reality; nothing is permanent in this world (except change) we all know that. Everything has its limitation or ending, so as with our electricity. Therefore, we should not waste our electricity, use it wisely and practice saving. We might not know when it will be no longer available for us to use (tsk, tsk, tsk).

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

~nAiL CoLoRs~

I love my nails especially when I put colors in them. Have you tried polishing your nails – manicure or pedicure, in different colors? I bet every woman has done this at least once in their lives.
       As for me, I can no longer remember how many times I did it nor how many colors I’ve tried, lol. I may have done it twice or thrice in a week, really never misses a week without polishing my nails. That’s one thing I can’t get rid of from myself. I don’t care even others call it vanity; this is what I like to do. Anyway, I didn’t bother them to do it for me. I did it all by myself coz I love it.
        I consider this as a sense of art (believe it or not) other than a hygienic way. I sometimes made it look stylish in different colors or designs or even matched it with the color of my dress. Looking at my well-manicured nails in attractive colors gives me satisfaction and enjoyment. Moreover, it boosts my confidence much as being a lady. Yes, that’s right! I feel to act more lady-like with my colored nails and sometimes make me believe I’m prettier than the other ladies around me (hehe).
       Honestly, this isn’t easy maintaining my long and pretty nails. I’d spent an hour or more by cleaning and coloring it (both hands and feet) on weekdays or nights - whatever time I’m available. But with my passion for it, I endured the pains I’ve gone through; the back pains due to still position or the wounds caused during cleaning is unavoidable. In the end, it’s worth the work; feeling satisfied with my work and the art I see through my nails.


Monday, October 4, 2010

            Do you enjoy reading? How often do you read books?
Me, I love reading and every day I take time to read. It may be an article or story from the newspapers, magazines, school books, bible or even just the dictionary I tried it.
         Reading is one hobby I can’t just ignore. You get a lot of information, entertainment, improved vocabularies and pronunciations; even enhance your comprehension skills. There are more to these benefits you can get from reading. I believe it varies from one person to another and depending on their choice of book.
Of course, I do have my favorite book too. I can’t let the day pass by without reading it and I would never ever felt bored reading it again and again in my whole life (I haven’t even finished reading it, lol).
I’m sure you’re familiar of the book called “Holy Bible”, right? Yes, that’s my favorite book, ever! Never a day I wouldn’t open and read its content (even only a single verse). This is the best book I’ve ever have and read, and absolutely the world too (you can argue it if you want).
Bible is basics to a Christian like me; it’s one of our fundamental beliefs being written by the holy men of God inspired with the Holy Spirit. And that would be a shame on my part if I don’t have this book and not love reading it.
          This book contains any topics you want, from history to love story, poetry, health and happiness and even beyond the future. You can find everything you wanna know about life (if you just take time to read it). Hence, I could not simply exchange or neglect it.
          I was never this enthusiastic to read my Bible. When I was still young and my faith is frail, I had never taken it seriously. But, time came when I slowly feel the need of reading it and comprehend the words it says. Then on, I learned so much about the things in life and strengthen my relationship in God. Reading my Bible not only gives me physical growth but spiritually as well. That’s why I never miss reading it everyday, my daily bread in life.
          To Christians out there whose faith is still feeble, take heed to what this famous children’s song says “Read your Bible pray everyday and you grow, grow, grow.” Let’s all grow together in God, let’s read the best book the world has ever had, the Bible.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

UNITY: Helping One Another

            I love to travel and enjoy the adventures of new places. These days I’ve never been in to that because I’m glued at home with many things to do. That’s why when our church announced a nationwide activity “Hope Impact Philippines” which is to be held today in the southern part of the province, I didn’t hesitate to join. I could not only enjoy the trip but benefit in sharing the good news to others. I was surprised with the number of people who participated. They came from the different district of churches and organizations as well. Since my father is a member of the motorcycle team - comprised by people from the different churches in our district who ride on motorcycles, I joined their group (am a back rider only). The program started early morning with a devotional and releasing of balloons carrying some leaflets. Then, we set off at around 7 in the morning. We’ve passed a number of municipalities on the way to our destination and from time to time made a stop over for fuel, snacks and directions while at the same time distributed some of the booklets we brought. Along the way, we’ve encountered some problems especially those who rode on motorcycles. Some had problems with flat tires and mechanical repairs (we’re one of them-flat tire), nevertheless, some helped us with the problem and even escorted our way back to the city. Hence, we were not able to finish the activity.
It was already sunset when we arrived home, just imagine the four hours travel we had going back. I was so exhausted with the long hours of riding without moving (I felt my back ached and legs cramped) so I immediately went to my room and take rest. Anyway, I wasn’t disappointed we didn’t finish the trip coz I still enjoy the ride we had, more to that I discovered the value of unity – being one in helping others. I appreciated so much those people who joined the activity and make it successful, but most especially to those who are willing to help others in need even if it means sacrificing themselves.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


That’s what I can describe today. This day ends with a lot of happenings. It was still dawn when I woke up and prepared for our breakfast. After that, I got busy preparing for church (coz it’s Sabbath day) and that was already past 8am when I leave home for church. There, I was loaded with responsibilities too; I thought I could just relax sitting while attending the service but I was surprised I’m also loaded with work. Good thing I prepared and I hadn’t had much trouble completing the tasks assigned to me. Thanks God!
At noon, scheduled lunch time with the family at our favorite restaurant in the uptown so we had to travel for an hour going there, mind you that was right after church service. Expected everyone was hungry arriving there we had filled our stomach with a sumptuous meal and have even emptied our plates, nothing’s left in our ordered food, lol. We didn’t spend much time there right after that we went back home. While the other members of the family got busy with there usual afternoon activities (sleeping, etc.), I went back to church for the afternoon youth program and facilitated a certain Bible game to everyone’s delight (happy for it). The program ended at around 6 in the evening with many useful and enjoyable activities (that’s what I like about our afternoon program).
When I arrived home, I had to prepare food for dinner. No one else here can do this except me; the other family members are already occupied with other tasks. Mother and father were already in their little retail store, sister went to school and younger brother is nowhere in sight (he loves being out playing with friends or roaming around the neighborhood).
Just now I’ve been freed from the works I needed to do here at home, already 9 in the evening, so here I’m writing for my daily blog ;-)
After this, I will enjoy the comforts of the night by sleeping to rest my body from the day’s activities, regain my strength and rejuvenate my mind for whatever activities that awaits me tomorrow. This is not a tiresome day but awesome! I hope you had also enjoyed your day today. Have a good night everyone, sleep tight.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Long Distance Relationship

ast night I received a message from my beau informing me they’re off to France. This means we can’t keep in touch for a long time because it will be a month-long voyage going there from Australia without phone or internet signal. I feel sad about it but I don’t have a choice. The nature of his work as a seafarer requires him to be out in the ocean most of the time. The only thing I can do is to wait when he’ll contact me and always pray for his safety.
We’ve been in this situation for almost 5 years now (really endured that long). No matter how difficult it is for us but we’ve managed to survive and keep our relationship.
Long distance relationship isn’t a piece of cake you know. Being away from each other takes much courage to endure the loneliness and the pains when conflicts strike. There are problems that come along the way and sometimes turn your world upside down. I’ve had sleepless nights, myriad cries on days or nights and even depressing moments whenever I long for him. And whenever I see couples happily together or when the folks teased me to the extent that they can I can’t help but be annoyed. Doubts, fears and worries often haunt me. Sometimes I thought of giving up this love.
I never pictured myself being in this situation when I was in high school. I used to think my lover works in a nearby office and sees me everyday or whenever we want to, but it turned out the other way around. Anyway, it doesn’t matter now coz this is what fate gave me and I know this is my true love.
We both love each other deeply, that’s it! How would we survive after all these years if it’s not? There may be times we argued or misunderstood each other due to distance but that didn’t keep us from going. Distance may have separated us physically but not our feelings for each other. Thanks to technology we have cell phones and internet which help us to communicate more often now. I can’t imagine how we’re doing without them.  I know our love can guide us where we’ll be happy though we’re away. To love and be loved back is really a great thing in life. Whatever the situation is just be thankful that somehow love found its way in our hearts.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Living in a tropical country where the weather is unpredictable sometimes gives me stress. There are days when the sun is too hot (need to drink plenty of water for that) and there are times when rain pours and you can’t avoid walking on the slippery road, worst when you get soaked under the rain. This is what I hate the most.
 I remember my college days whenever I went to and from school which is very far from my residence, I had to take 4 rides on land (jeepneys) and sea (ferryboat) experiencing the busy roads and bitter days when rain comes (I hadn’t thought of boarding a room near my school then.) I often lost my patience whenever it affects my daily activities, especially the important ones.
We have also heard or seen from the news the damage caused whenever it rains heavily, the floods and erosions that resulted to the destruction of some properties and loss of lives. These are some of the reasons why I can’t help to dislike the rainy season.
But now, staying at home and being unemployed (which I opted to) made me realize important lessons on this thing. Whenever it rains, I’ve seen our neighbors’ little children gleefully playing under the rain and they’re a lovely sight to behold. Then, looking at the plants in our yard, I feel happy for them thirsting for it after a long hot sunny day. My daily chores are lessened because I can skip watering our plants. Not only that, I also thought of the farmers out there who are waiting for the rain to soften there dried farmlands. And during the night I can enjoy sleeping comfortably with the cold breeze that made me doze off easily.
Sometimes, we only see the one side of the things that happened to us more often we focus on the bad ones and tend to forget the good. Destructions or calamities may be brought by rain but these aren’t caused naturally, if we dig deeper the reason human is at fault (just look at our garbage anywhere). So, I thanked God every time it rains, for all the good things it brings to our lives. There’s always a rainbow after the rain (as they said) let’s think that rain is just a way of reminding us that there’s always a better life ahead after it.